I campi Elisi. Elysian Fields
I campi Elisi, su cui impera Crono, si trovano presso il palazzo di Ade ed il loro ingresso è accanto alla fonte della Memoria; essi sono un luogo di gioia dove splende perpetuo il giorno, non vi è mai gelo né cade la neve, ma si svolgono svaghi a suon di musica e le ombre che vi si trovano possono rinascere e tornare sulla terra se ciò loro aggrada. Poco più oltre si trovano le Isole Beate, riservate a coloro che nacquero tre volte ed ogni volta vissero virtuosamente.*
Elysian Fields, over which reigns Chrono, are located at the palace of Hades and their entrance is next to the source of memory; they are a place of joy where shines perpetual day, there has never frost or snow falls, but are held entertainment with music and shadows that are found can be reborn and return to earth if it pleases them. A little further on are the Islands Beate, reserved for those who were born three times and each time they lived virtuously.
Elysian Fields, over which reigns Chrono, are located at the palace of Hades and their entrance is next to the source of memory; they are a place of joy where shines perpetual day, there has never frost or snow falls, but are held entertainment with music and shadows that are found can be reborn and return to earth if it pleases them. A little further on are the Islands Beate, reserved for those who were born three times and each time they lived virtuously.
Crono divora i figli - Goya
*Le citazioni sono tratte da : "I miti greci" di R. Graves