arte vera e realismo socialista - (True art and Socialist Realism)
Alla mostra di Bologna, di cui segnalavamo il catalogo, è proprio avvenuto così. Lavoratori intelligenti e onesti cultori delle arti, sbalorditi allo spettacolo di ciò che veniva presentato loro come arte modernissima, non azzardavano però una parola di giudizio sincero, per timore di parere cattivi intenditori, o peggio ancora, reazionari, o persino, nemici personali dei cari compagni e amici pittori e scutori che avevano messo assieme e presentavano quella raccolta delle loro opere. Qualche nostro ingenuo segratario di Lega forse tornò dalla mostra al paese con la dibattuta convinzione che la Fontana del Nettuno sia ormai da giudicarsi fattura di reazionari, e la rivoluzione artistica cominci quando si dipingano mondine quadre, con fianchi di legno e viso spaccato come il melone fradicio.
Roderigo di Castiglia (Palmiro Togliatti) 1948 in "Rinascita"
At the exhibition in Bologna, where we pointed the catalog, it's just happened that way. Intelligent and honest workers versed in the arts, amazed at the spectacle of what was being presented to them as modern art, but dared not a word of sincere opinion, for fear of bad opinion connoisseurs, or worse, reactionary, or even, dear enemies' personal friends and fellow painters and scutori who had put together and presented the collection of their works. Some of our perhaps naive secretary of the League returned to the country from the show with the belief that debated the Fountain of Neptune is now judged to be reactionary bill, and the artistic revolution begins when you depict weeders square, with wooden sides and face split like melon wet.
Roderigo di Castiglia (Palmiro Togliatti) 1948 in "Rinascita"
Roderigo di Castiglia (Palmiro Togliatti) 1948 in "Rinascita"
At the exhibition in Bologna, where we pointed the catalog, it's just happened that way. Intelligent and honest workers versed in the arts, amazed at the spectacle of what was being presented to them as modern art, but dared not a word of sincere opinion, for fear of bad opinion connoisseurs, or worse, reactionary, or even, dear enemies' personal friends and fellow painters and scutori who had put together and presented the collection of their works. Some of our perhaps naive secretary of the League returned to the country from the show with the belief that debated the Fountain of Neptune is now judged to be reactionary bill, and the artistic revolution begins when you depict weeders square, with wooden sides and face split like melon wet.
Roderigo di Castiglia (Palmiro Togliatti) 1948 in "Rinascita"
Fontana del Nettuno Bologna - Giambologna XVI Sec.